New Army Combat Uniform should be Made of Russian Materials

1On October 1, 2013 in the capital of Russia an exhibition -seminar, focused on the Russian military uniform (summer and winter), took place. The event was held at Rosoboronzakaz. The seminar was attended by representatives of the Russian Union of Entrepreneurs of Textile and Light Industry, Trade Ministry, the federal agencies involved in procurement for the state defense order, and other professional associations, as well as the heads of light and textile industry plants.

The exhibition – seminar presented promising models of uniforms for employees of Russian law enforcement agencies employees.

1During the exhibition the deputy director of “Rosoboronzakaz” Alexander Dombrovsky said that the clothes and shoes for servicemen of the Russian Army should be made from materials of Russian and Belarusian producers in accordance with the requirements of the Government of the country. Alexander Dombrovsky explained that, currently materials and components of foreign production are used in the production of Russian Army uniform, but the situation, according to him, will be changed soon.

1Special attention Alexander Dombrovsky paid to the fact that according to the results of the workshop Rosoboronzakaz will develop a proposal to the Military-Industrial Commission of the country. According to officials, it is necessary to switch to a new quality of our products, increase the efficiency of the state defense order. “These steps will allow the Russian military to carry out the tasks that are defined by their purpose”, concluded the official.

The Russian army should switch completely to the new combat uniform during the next 3 years. Until the end of this year, Russia’s armed forces must get 100,000 sets of new uniform. In 2014, the troops will be supplied by another 400 thousand sets of uniform, and in 2015 – by 500 thousand sets.

1New uniform for the Russian Army, which is known by the acronym VKBO – season set of basic outfit – was presented to journalists and the public on August 22, 2013 in St. Petersburg, earlier the uniform has already been put into mass production. The production of a new uniform for the Russian army is fulfilled by “BTK Group”, which factories are located in the Leningrad region. Currently, these factories are completely focused on quality and timely delivery of uniforms for the Russian Ministry of Defense.

1During the presentation of VKBO the main focus was on usability of the uniform with a plurality of layers (8 layers). The all-season set includes 23 basic uniform items which one can freely modify and vary depending on climate zone, in which a military unit is located.

The new uniform is differs by a lot of “cosmetic” innovations. For example, the shoulder straps will again be located on the shoulders and shoulder marks and stars will eventually be replaced with embroidered ones. In addition, this set will be returned by the soldier after his discharge from the army, and will be used by new recruits. It is assumed that one VKBO set service life is 3 years.