Russian Military Higher Educational Institutions – Reverse Reform

1In higher educational institutions, and the presidential and Suvorov military schools, cadet corps of the Ministry of Defence a new educational year has begun. It is unusual because with the arrival of the new Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu serious changes took place again.

2During the recent reforms only 10 of more than 50 military schools were remained.

It is not surprising, that the beginning of this educational year was preceded by extensive preparatory work. It was necessary to analyze what has been done in the system of military education in recent years. To save the positive changes, justified in the practice of military training, and, where necessary, to make adjustments.

Let us consider what has changed and in what directions the “reverse ” reform of the system of military education was conducted.

The first direction – the formation of an effective management system of military education. As a result, now three-level system of governance is introduced.

In order to improve the efficiency of higher education institutions and gain hands-on training of students and cadets from 1 March 2013 educational institutions were re-subordinated to the Deputy Minister of Defence, heads of squadrons of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

4The second direction – improving the quality of the educational process. For this the training of officers with higher military operational and strategic and military operational and tactical training will be conducted in accordance with a two-year program. In the military academies the period of study is also two years and at a military academy – five years.

new federal state educational standards of higher education in 12 fields of study are developed  by the higher military educational institutions are and approved by the Russian Ministry of Education.

The formation of the Air Force Academy in Voronezh is completed.

In order to improve the quality of training of cadets and to promote military education all-Army competitions in mathematics, computer science, foreign language and military history were organized. For the first time students of the leading civilian universities took part in them.

3The third direction – bringing the network and the capacity of military educational institutions in accordance with the parameters of personnel order. Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu approved a new promising network of military educational institutions. It consists of 17 educational institutions: 13 military academies, two military universities, two military schools, as well as 14 branches.

The fourth direction – saving honorary titles and state awards of higher military educational institutions and their affiliates.

1The fifth direction – improving the structure of the higher military educational institutions. On March, 30 2013 Minister of Defence approved the standard structure of a military educational institution, according to which the previously liquidated divisions and individual posts were restored .

The sixth direction – the legal regulation of the system of military education. For the first time federal legislation reflects features of the professional educational programs and activities of educational institutions, training the staff in the interests of national defense and security, law and order.

Under the federal law the Russian Defense Ministry has the authority to establish the characteristics of the educational, methodical and scientific activity of higher military educational institutions.

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